Friday, October 9, 2009

What The Hell Happened To Greco?

What the hell happened to Greco, the short answer to the question is I got drunk. The long answer takes us all the way back to Wednesday after spending the night in Big Papa Younis' office I spent all of wednesday just kind of hanging around campus. I helped VP, DJ-J Rod getting people to sign the tuition protest postcards to be given to Premier Ghiz. Later on that evening I headed to Trivia where my buddy Baron was getting ready to fill in for trivia for the first time. Baron was more than happy to share his copious amounts of alcohol, countless amounts of free alcohol later and one piss-poor rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody" I was shit faced. Ladies and gentlemen there is no worse time to try and find a place to spend the night than after you have been politely asked by the wave bouncers to: "please go home for the night you have had way to much to drink" easier said then done buddy! So at this point I am at the dark side of shit faced thinking of a place to spend the night in the pouring rain. Having lived in residence for the last year it is what I have called home for a good chunk of my life so I decided why not return for an encore, so I did. I was able to slip in one of the doors and crash in a comfy new lounge couch for the remainder of the evening. That was my trivia night at the wave and it didn't get much better on thursday.


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